Author: bistro

Financial Lessons Learned From Election Season

The results of Tuesday night’s presidential election paved the way for the reelection. While this will shape the political landscape during the next four years, there are a number of financial lessons consumers can take away from this campaign, other than how much they hate political ads.

When It Comes To Your Credit Score, Only One Number Matters
When polls closed, millions of Americans watched as electoral votes stacked up in favor of both candidates. However, some may have also paid attention to the popular vote.

While the latter was clearly displayed throughout the night, this number doesn’t matter since whoever gets the most electoral votes wins.

This is similar to your credit situation, credit counseling expert Jeanne Kelly wrote in the Huffington Post. There are a number of different credit scores you have access to, but the one that matters the most in today’s lending environment is your FICO score.

Currently, more than 90 percent of lenders utilize this number to see if you are qualified for credit, so make sure to stay on top of it.

Your Choices Impact Your Financial Future
The presidential campaign was rife with gaffes and missteps from both candidates, which ultimately impacted the outcome of the election. This is similar to your day-to-day financial decisions.

For example, if you go on a shopping spree and charge it to a credit card, this can result in serious debt in the future. Depending on your financial habits, sizable credit card debt can be hard cycle to break.

To stay out of more damaging debt in the face of an unexpected bill you can’t afford, rather than reaching for a credit card, consider a bad credit cash advance to relieve the pressure.

Check Your Credit On A Regular Basis
Every four years, Americans get a chance to examine the current political system and make any necessary changes by casting votes. On a political timeline, this is a fairly common occurrence.

With this same idea in mind, you should make sure to check up on your credit standing from time to time and make any necessary changes. Your credit standing has a big impact on your financial wellbeing in the future.

If you have a weak credit standing, it could make it more difficult for loans. Meanwhile, even if you get approved, you may be stuck with a high interest rate and other terms that make it expensive.

Save Money When Searching For An Apartment

With the year about to come to a close, many leases are about to end. This could mean that many people are going to soon be looking for a new apartment. This process can often come with expenses and could potentially force you to dip into your emergency fund. However, there are ways that you can save money when shopping for a new place to live.

Check Your Credit
Although you may not think your credit can affect your rental agreement, it most certainly can. Before searching for an apartment, be sure to have a good credit score (bad credit payday loans). Your potential landlord will look at your credit report before offering you the place. If you have an unfavourable score, you may find yourself with a bad rental agreement. A high credit score and clean report can help you when negotiating rent and other terms of your agreement.

Ask About Move-In Discounts
Many apartment communities offer move-in discounts at some point during the year. But you can’t take advantage of the if you don’t ask. These offers often fill up quickly, so it is important to be proactive. Oftentimes, landlords will offer one to two months of rent for free if you sign a year or longer lease. However, it is important to make sure you choose an apartment that is right for you. Don’t just sign a lease because the space is discounted for a couple months.

Don’t Forget The Deposits
There are a lot of costs associated with searching for an apartment. It is important not to forget about any of them. Simply looking at the price of rent is not the true cost of the living space. Many if not all apartments will require a deposit. Forgetting this cost could eventually put the apartment out of your price range. Some landlords may offer to waive or reduce the deposit, so it is important to ask.

Factor In The Cost Of Features
Other costs you need to account for are the features of the apartment. If living in the city, a parking space could be one of these. Before signing a lease agreement, it is important to know what feature costs you’ll be responsible for. If you can negotiate and get your landlord to pay for something such as a parking space you could save a lot of money.

Plan For In-Store Holiday Shopping

Holiday shopping can be stressful, but with careful planning and consideration, you can make this task much easier. Not only will planning out your holiday shopping reduce your stress levels, it can also help you save money. This last thing you want to do to start the new year is use payday loan advances for bad credit to cover your monthly expenses.

Decide What You Need
One of the hardest parts of holiday shopping is determining exactly what items you need and who you need them for. Take some time to sit down with paper and pen or at a computer to make a list of the items you need to purchase. Remember, the most specific you can be, the better.

If you don’t have a list of the products you need to buyer for loved ones, this can result is wasteful spending. If you have ever gone into a store without the slightest idea of what you’re looking for, you should end up purchasing items that are way off-base.

Research, Research, Research
It’s difficult to know what items you want to buy for friends and family if you don’t open a catalog or browse products on a company’s website. When you do this in the comfort of your own home, you can maintain more composure than if you were in a store.

Additionally, your research will give you an idea of what products are on sale. This way you can take into account the exact cost of certain items and come up with a sound budget. But keep in mind that many of the sales and discounts advertised may only be available of Black Friday, which takes place the day after Thanksgiving.

Plan Your Attack
In addition to deciding which items you need to purchase, you also have to determine when and where you are going to get them. If certain sales are only available at specific times and dates, you will have to add this to your shopping itinerary. While it may be ideal to complete all of your holiday shopping in one fell swoop, you may have to spread out your purchases.

The closer it gets to the holiday, the busier stores may become. Keep this in mind when planning your shopping timeline, as you will probably have to spend a considerable amount of time in line and at checkout counters.

Don’t Diverge From The Plan
One of the easiest ways to overspend on your holiday shopping is to veer away from your shopping plan. If you get to the store and see a certain item that may be perfect for that special someone, sleep on that decision. Although browsing a store and purchasing an item of a whim can be fun, this could ass a considerable amount of pressure to your budget.

Take To The Internet
To avoid lines and the holiday rush, many consumers plan to complete the majority of their shopping on the internet. While this can streamline the process, it’s still requires careful planning.

Try to only shop on sites that offer free shipping. This may be able to shave a significant amount of money off of your costs. Meanwhile, if you need to use a sight that requires a shipping fee, try to compile all your products into one order to save money.

Also remember the closer it gets to the holidays, shipping companies may take longer to deliver packages, so plan ahead.

Money with no questions asked

Don’t you just hate it when you just want to do something and you have to face a barrage of questions before you can even take the first step? I suppose that that is part of human nature, though. Asking questions is something that is natural to many of us; why should lenders be exempt? After all, they are about to give you their money. They do have certain rights as to asking questions about whom they are giving their money to.

But there are certain lenders that do not really ask questions, or at least they do not ask troublesome questions. These are the payday loan lenders. You have surely heard of payday loans before. They have been in existence for quite some time now and people have been using them a lot, hence the publicity that they have been acquiring. But do you really know that much about payday loans? Have you even tried getting one yourself? If not, you really should try one if you ever find yourself in a bind.

There are so many payday loan providers offering their services all throughout the United States today. If you were to look for one, you would not have any problems finding one that will suit you perfectly. Indeed, the “problem” that you might encounter is in deciding on which particular lender you want to deal with.

What you should do is go online and narrow down your choices. You can actually go on Google and then search for “payday loan lender,” “payday loan provider,” “payday loan,” or any similar search term. Once you have gotten the results – there will be A LOT of them – you should briefly browse over the top ones and then from there, make your own shortlist. My suggestion for you is to write down all your concerns and requirements before you shortlist the available payday loan lenders. In doing so, you will be able to refer to that list anytime and make sure that the payday loan lender you are going to look further into meets all that you need.

Once you have chosen a payday loan lender, it is all downhill from there. As I mentioned earlier, they do not ask troublesome questions. Naturally, they have some requirements, which all borrowers have to meet, but they are generally easy to meet. The four most common requirements that payday loan lenders ask of their borrowers are:

1. Be a citizen of the United States – either that or be a resident.
2. Be at least 18 years old.
3. Have a current bank account.
4. Have a regular source of income.

These are all standard documentation that you will have to provide in most legal or financial transactions. I am sure that you will have no trouble meeting them at all. And once you have met all these things, then you will have the payday loan proceeds in your hands within no time at all. No other questions asked.

How an instant payday loan works

If you are looking for a short-term cash injection – say $200 to tide you over until your next payday – what are your options? There are different ways of borrowing money depending on your needs and circumstances. For example, there are secured and unsecured loans; credit cards; and there is an instant payday loan. The following may help you find the most suitable solution for you.

Secured and unsecured loans

The secured and unsecured loan both offer ways to borrow cash – typically involving larger sums ($500 – $1,000 upwards for unsecured lending and from around $5,000 – $10,000 upwards for secured). With a secured loan you have to provide an asset as security for the amount borrowed, and this is usually your home. The idea behind a secured loan is that if you fail to meet your loan repayments, your asset can be seized, sold, and the outstanding monies recovered. Obviously, with short-term smaller amounts of cash needed, a secured loan would not be a suitable option for you.Both types of loan allow you a set period of time to pay back the money you owe and a typical loan may be taken out for anywhere between 1 and 10 years, often longer for the larger, secured amounts. Arranging either form of borrowing can take several weeks so would not help you if you need cash urgently, even with unsecured lending.

Credit cards

Credit cards are a form of borrowing, with you paying back what you owe at the end of every month. If you are unable to clear the balance at this time, you will normally have a minimum amount that you will need to repay which will include any interest.

If you have credit remaining on your card, you may be able to withdraw a cash amount. However, you will usually face a handling fee (typically around 3% of the amount withdrawn or a minimum of $2-$3), plus interest charges. These interest charges will normally start to accrue from the day you draw the money out.

While this may sound easy, do bear in mind the way that some credit cards are structured. With many credit cards – but not all of them – if you fail to repay the full amount outstanding every month, then typically any repayments you do make may go towards the cheaper debt first (such as purchases made on your card), leaving you paying higher interest on the cash amount. This could work out expensive in the long-term.

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With a payday loan you typically borrow a small amount of money which you repay in one lump sum, usually when your next payday arrives or the one after.

Lenders set a limit as to the maximum amount you are able to borrow, with a typical amount being around $500 (though you can often borrow higher amounts once you have borrowed and repaid a payday loan).

A payday loan is typically borrowing for the short-term – typically to meet emergencies when you are unable to stretch your income (eg for car repairs; vets’ bills; a domestic emergency etc). If you apply online, and get approved, the money could be in your bank account within two hours – or the next day at the latest. The amount you will need to repay on your instant payday loan will be agreed at the outset, so you will know exactly how much the payday loan is costing you.

Instant availability of finances for your emergency needs

There is not everyday that you come across certain unexpected needs, such as medical emergencies, immediate house or vehicle repairs, credit card bills, electricity bills, child’s school or examination fees, etc. But, when you are going to face them, make sure that you are well prepared in all respects. By this we mean that you should have adequate amount of money to tackle them, which can be provided by the same day loans option. It can assist you in such a manner, so that you are able to pay off your all urgencies quite well on time. These funds are available within a very short span of time of about 24 hours on just the submission of a filled online application form that too without any faxing hassles.

Loans within a day can provide you cash support up to a maximum of $1500 for a short term of about 30 days. The repayment of this amount can be done without taking any tension once you adjust the repayment date with your payday. After doing so all your payable amount will be transferred to the lender on your payday from your bank account. This collateral free scheme does not involve any credit checking process.

Low cost quick car loans

Quick car loans are designed to enable a borrower to buy a car when the prices are right and the borrower is in urgent need of buying a car. Whatever may be the circumstances, the loan is useless if it does not arrive on time. Hence, quick loans are the best options for those who want funds for a new or used car when they feel it is the right time.
You can get hold of the fastest and cheapest car loan if you fulfill certain conditions such as collateral with high equity, good credit score, or high down payment. Lenders are more comfortable with such lenders as they feel secure because he can realize his payment if the borrower fails to make timely repayments. Additionally, the borrower is able to take out larger amounts at more favorable terms.

Those with bad credit rating also can easily buy car through quick cheap car loan. There are schemes and packages designed for such people. The lenders of these packages are acquainted with the needs of such borrowers and do not ask many questions if collateral is offered. However, unsecured loan option requires some documentation regarding income, repaying capacity and so on from the borrower.

Even though quick car loans are available in the physical financial market, dealing with a reliable online lender can be still faster as well as cheaper. It is also suitable to the lenders because dealing with online applications is cheaper and more convenient. Every thing is fine; the borrower can expect to get the car loan in a matter of hours. Apart from helping you to get a car, the loan also help in improving credit score if timely payment of installments is made.

A suitable online car loan lender can be located with the help of a loan directory service website which collects details from borrowers and forward it to various lenders for speedy processing. These sites select lenders who offer the type of loan you are looking for. You can then browse through the results to find the deal that best suits your needs, and then move on to the lenders website to complete the process.

There are also online lenders who do not want a concrete proof of you income. This saves time because it usually takes a lot to produce and verify documents proving your income. These lenders typically verify your income through your employer. Therefore, the lender may ask you provide the details of your employer or the person who is responsible for your employment and salary. Once you have been approved online, the money will be transferred to your account within a short time. Probably, you will be able to ride home on your favorite car on the same day you applied online for the car loan.

How to get hassle free logbook loans

A logbook loan is a type of personal loan obtained against a vehicle, which often is a car. If you have a logbook registered in your name, then you can apply for the loan. You will have to surrender the book to the lenders as security against the loan. The vehicle remains with the borrower and s/he is free to use the car for commuting without any interference from the lender, provided it is done safely and as per rules governing a driving license.
A logbook is a vehicle registration certificate issued by the concerning government authority. It contains important details the owner, engine, registration and chassis number, model, and vehicle color. The owner can borrow between $100 and $35000 depending on the existing net market value of the car after deducting any pending payments on the car, if any.

Unlike other personal loans, logbook loans have certain distinct features, which need to be discussed in detail to get a better understanding of the modalities required to secure the loan. The loan is given against the vehicle registration certificate, which needs to be submitted to the lender at the time of availing the loan. Although the car remains with the borrower, it becomes the property of the lender until the loan is paid of in full as per the agreed date. The lender can claim ownership of the vehicle if the borrower fails to meet the repayment in time. However, the borrower is free to use the car provided the repayments are made regularly and in full.

These loans often turn out to be the ultimate refuge to a borrower, who has a negative credit rating. It is rather difficult to get a traditional loan if the applicant has a bad credit history. However, these types of loans are usually made available to the borrower without making any credit check. Hence, it is really a blessing for those unable to get other types of loans due to a bad credit rating. Even those people who have faced bankruptcy can also apply for this loan.

The loans can be borrowed from any banks, financial institutions or online lenders. If you are looking to get a fast loan, online lenders are the best choice. You can access a large number of online lenders by using the internet from the comfort of your home or office. They are specially appreciated for their speedy implementation. Once the application is approved and accepted by the lender, the loan amount is often available within 24 hours.

The vehicle registration certificate should be in the name of the borrower and the vehicle against which the loans are taken should be less than eight years old. A borrower of the loan should be in full time employment or should have some regular source of income. The lender would require a proof of the income before sanctioning the loan. The vehicle should be free from any type of outstanding dues to a third party. If any such outstanding dues are present, they need to be cleared before securing the loan.

Another criterion the lender will insist is proper insurance of the vehicle and payment of all taxes due on the vehicle. Once all these criteria are fulfilled, you can confidently look forward to receive the applied loan amount without much delay.
